Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's A Grape-Tastrophy.

We had some enthusiastic pruners from south of the border this year. They took pruning seriously, and as a result, many of my plants will need a few years to recover. I think the language barrier might have set us back a bit.
But, none of that compares to the tragedy of the grape field pruning. Not only did our friends prune last year's dead wood, but they also pruned the new wood that this year's grapes would have grown from. Bruce is watching the vines carefully, but as of yet, there is no sign of buds or budding. We may be taking the year off when it comes to delicious grape juice. But, we are trying to be hopeful- maybe we'll see some signs of life yet. If not, them we'll just wait for next year's bumper crop.

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