Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Road Trip- Carnage on Rodeo Drive

So there we were, acting all posh and sophisticated while window shopping on Rodeo Drive. Suddenly, above us...a hawk flew down the street with a pigeon in it's claws! The hawk landed in a palm tree and proceeded to eat the pigeon. Such an unlikely thing to happen in a place like Rodeo Drive, right?

Let me tell you, it stopped all foot traffic. Feathers would float down from the palm tree as the pigeon was consumed.
I got some advice on the best angle to catch this shot from a nice homeless man in a wheelchair. He pretty much insisted that I do it his way. He was right.
Brian, who was not into window shopping- or any shopping- of any kind- just wanted to watch the hawk.


  1. Wow....death and sounds like Little Smokey and her offerings at my house.

  2. The Circle of Life... You can hum the tune to yourself. :)
