Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Flower Successes and Failures

I try to have as easy a yard to maintain as possible. Reason: weeding isn't fun. There are only a two places in my front yard that have bare dirt. Seed planting dirt. I always plant the same things in those two places. Nasturtiums and Zinnias.

Some people eat Nasturtiums. Not me.
This year's variety had blossoms in lots of colors:
The Nasturtiums were a success.

The Zinnias, on the other hand....were not. Maybe it was the wet Spring. Maybe the soil along that fence line is just worn out. I'm planning on bring some manure home from the barn and working it into the soil, then putting some decent potting soil on top. That should help. It's a good thing that my neighbor also planted Zinnias on her side of the fence this year- mine don't look so pathetic since they have friends close by.
Lots of bare dirt there. Sigh.
 Still, I have enough Zinnia blossoms to cut and put on my kitchen table, and that's good enough for me.


  1. I love your zinnia border...and I love the little flower fairy statue!

  2. I hate those zinnias but they look so nice on the table

  3. I really love the Nastartiums I've never had success with them blooming but I have eaten their leaves on salads, peppery.
