Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Airport Day Recap

Now that we're home from our little family get-reacquainted-trip, I can catch you up on last Thursday, the day Peter got home! We had the house all decorated:
 After all day of tortuous waiting, we made our way to the airport, where we waited and waited some more. We had made a few airport signs:
Bruce's former bishopric counselor had just flown in from a business trip and waited with us. Funny, but there were no other missionary families waiting. We were assuming that he'd be with at least one other missionary.
When we knew his plane had landed, we rushed the escalators and watched people's feet as they emerged from the upstairs area. Finally, there he was! Check out the other 2 men in the picture. Lower Man has no idea what's going on. Upper Man has probably done this before!
Lots of hugs all around.
 (To say this sign New Zealand-Style: There's a GING-er in my GARE-age.)
After stopping at the Stake President's, we went home and he changed into an island shirt and a lava lava. I was beginning to understand that my boy has become a real Islander, as in: he talks like a Samoan, eats like a Tongan, makes scary Maori faces, listens to the strangest mix of Polynesian Regea music, and lives on Island Time. Adjustments are ahead.
(Sorry for the crummy quality of this picture! My shutter speed was way too fast from the airport.)

A bunch of Peter's buddies came over to see him that night and it was just fun to see them all together again. They will be able to swap some interesting mission stories. It's great to have him home! (That crazy laugh of his is just what I've been missing.)

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