Monday, September 15, 2014

The 5 Minute Photo Shoot

One of the reasons I didn't want to crash during the segway tour was that I had put my camera in the front carry pocket. No way was I going to smash my camera. No way was I taking any pictures during the tour either.

That was so sad because I saw so my things to take pictures of! The biggest regret: a whole garden of Dahlias that were in full bloom. I don't know much about Dahlias, even having to ask what they were called. What beautiful flowers! I will have to go back some other day on some other trip to San Fransisco just for that garden.

The only pictures I didn't take on my phone at Golden Gate Park were taken on the 5 minute walk back to where the car was parked. I had to make it count.
 I met this little guy along the way. He was wanting a treat and let me get close.
 Maybe a little too close.
 5 minutes was just not enough time.

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