Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Updated Halloween Porch

At Halloween time in years past, my porch has kind of been a mish-mash of lots of different semi-spooky decorations. Remember the eyeball tree? This year I decided to simplify things and maybe class up my porch a bit.

Oh, I had to have corn stalks- and these we actually grew ourselves!
You never know who you might find lurking behind the cornstalks.
I hollowed out some pumpkins that became planters for some yellow mums, and I found a great new sign at the local nursery's gift shop.
 Adding some Halloween pillows to the bench added a fun Halloween touch! These are just slipcovers, so you'll be seeing these pillows again- with different seasonal covers.
 Gus approves of the pillows.
 I don't think he's real fan of the pumpkins and gourds though, since he likes to chew on them.
 I like how this all came together!

On a side note, I gave these Halloween S'Mores kits to my kids and my VT ladies- I thought they were pretty cute.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!! It looks so great and I really love the little s'mores kits. I've never seen those ghost marshmallows.
