Thursday, April 12, 2012

All Around The World

Since I'm the Stake Librarian, I will sometimes make "executive decisions." Like when I reorganized all of the library pictures into a more logical order. (That was just an intelligent move.) Another decision was to take over the bulletin board that sits between to 2 doors that access the library. You probably have a board just like it in your building- the one that has crinkled Mormonads from 4 years ago pinned to it. The Unloved Bulletin Board. Well, our board is unloved no longer.

Last month I had the folks in charge of Emergency Preparedness put information on the board. Lots of people found important stuff there and the board was useful again. This month I did the board:

I made a map of where the 58 missionaries from our stake were serving. Our Stake Conference is later this month and I thought the missionary parents would like it.
 Each ward is color coded. Our missionaries are spread from Seattle in the West to Fiji in the East. 6 weeks ago, Peter would have been the missionary who was the furthest East. Almost half of our missionaries are serving in North America. I had a hard time fitting in all of the kids serving on the east coast.
I had fun with this little project. I already have an idea for May, and then I'll turn it over to the Stake YW to drum up enthusiasm for Girl's Camp. Go love your boards!


  1. do I see 2 in Japan and 1 in Korea? or is that 1 in Taiwan?

  2. You are right! We have 2 missionaries serving in Sendai, Japan. They were then when the earthquake and tsunami hit and it was a scary few days when no one knew where they were. The other missionary is in Seoul.

  3. Very cool board! Churches need some sprucing up AND the primary could use it to pick missionaries from to send letters to. I remember doing that.

  4. Speaking as a missionary mom, it's an awesome idea! When we went last month to renew our recommends, we found something similar in the hall outside the stake president's office...and there was our Bryce's picture with a string connected to a little pin punched in the middle of Iowa. :)
