Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Epic Epcot

If I had to pick a favorite park at Disney World, it would be Epcot, especially the World Showcase. The first day we went it was pouring rain, so no one else was there. Just the way I like it! We went again later in the week and the crowds were in full force. I guess I can't expect Disney to close down the Parks for me every day! The thing I love most about the World Showcase is the architecture of each country area:
I loved this picture, which honored my Viking ancestors:
And we had to take a few for our dentist friend, so that he would be grateful that we floss:

Loved it! Could go back today! I ate pork belly for lunch here! The only sad part- my camera started over-exposing all of my pictures and I just about had a fit right there in front of Japan. Turns out it's an internal issue- the camera man likened it to "a flat tire"- so now I'm taking super under-exposed images in S mode to make things work. AAgghh!!


  1. Sorry about the camera issue. The pictures still look great though.

  2. The photos still look great, even with the issues! I for one am glad you floss.
