More about the benefit! After the dogs got a chance to dress up, it was the horse's turn! It's a big deal for some of the riders at the barn to get creative and add music to their costumes. This year I was very impressed with the entries. We had:
Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer

Jacob from Eclipse

Pink Ladies

Snoopy and Woodstock

Toy Story

A Toaster and Pop Tart (this horse's name is Pop Tart!)

The Headless Horseman, complete with victim being chased. Too bad the horse was more scared than the victim!

Superman/Wonder Woman. In Joleen's other life, she is an ice skating coach. We look forward to her choreographed performances, complete with props, every year!

But the horse that deserved 1st prize would be Aria, who endured this costume without dumping her little rider in the dirt!

Later in the day the Dads raced stick horses:

The winner took a victory jump! Very impressive!

And here are a few of my favorite random photos from the day:

Yeah, I'm thinking the title for this post is amazingly appropriate!