Back to Sea World. Bruce can be a bad influence on people. We had a few new employees along on the trip to California, and Bruce convinced one young man to go sit in the "Soak Zone" during the Shamu show. I think he said something like, "We won't get very wet." Well, of course they got soaked in the Soak Zone. Funny thing- Shamu must be directionally challenged. On the first pass when the whale is supposed to REALLY get folks wet, he splashed his tail inward- towards the center of the tank, instead of out at the audience. I guess whales have bad days too.
Here's Bruce getting wet- from my safe, dry seat.

Bruce and our helpless victim. Look at that sneaky look on Bruce's face:

Other wet pictures- Bruce got chilled and had to go back to the hotel and change his clothes!

I think this picture is pretty awesome! It looks likes Shamu is seriously going to eat all th0se people!

And a few more Shamu Show pictures for your viewing pleasure:
Bruce looks good and soaked!