Enter Youngest Son - on a motorcycle? Makes me cringe. After much nagging, YS convinced DH to rebuild the old dirt bike that has been taking up space in the tractor shed for, oh, maybe the last 26 years. I know YS had visions of driving the bike to school, criusing James Dean-like into the senior parking lot. (Whatever- maybe after a certified motorcycle driving course and licence!) DH tells stories of he and his friends driving this very motorcycle THROUGH the high school on a dare back in the day. Anyway, it was a good bonding project for the two of them, with many trips to the motorcycle store for pieces and parts. After a few months, they got it started amid great clouds of exhaust and spirtings of various lubricants. But it worked! I went on several practice drives with YS- he on the bike, me on my scooter. It was like watching someone learning to drive a 5-speed- lots of engine killing at stop signs. He was getting better, but then the new hobby faded in the busyness of Life, and the cold weather hit, which is a real bike riding killer. Maybe the motorcycle will re-appear in the Spring. P.S.- Believe me, this is the only time he ever rode up and down the driveway with out a helmet.
Yeah, when I think of Pete, the first thing I think of is, "B-b-b-b-bad."