
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Saltaire Farm Benefit #3

The yearly benefit at the barn was a great success this year- we earned more money than we ever have before! When it was all added up, it came to just over $8000. That's one wish for a Make-A-Wish child, plus more than half of another wish.

Most of that money comes from the horse show part of the day. I rode Snoopy in the show. I was nervous to start out with, but then when I didn't die, I had fun! Snoopy was a very good boy. Here are some of our other barn friends:
 Shannon rode Snoopy later in the day and they were pretty much amazing:
 They were in an equitation class that involves complicated twists and turns around the course. They were required to include 2 "tests" in their course and Shannon chose a Hand Gallop, which is pretty much an all-out run at a jump. Let me interpret this picture for you:

Shannon: Yes! We ran like a bat out of Hades at this jump and nailed it!"
Snoopy: "Why in the world are we running so fast at this jump?"
 Needless to say, they were the best.

It was a long and busy day, but well worth the cause.

1 comment:

  1. The photos are awesome! I wish we could get one of you riding... :)
