Since Bruce never does anything by halves, we have a lot of corn. Way too much for us to eat. On Labor day I froze a bunch to eat later.
This, I learned, was a labor-intensive job. I'd rate it right up there with pears and applesauce. Well, maybe not applesauce. What I needed was an army of shuckers and peelers, since this part of the job took the longest. I will remember to hire an army next time.
I boiled the carn for 4 minutes.
Then I shocked it in ice water.
The most fun part- cutting the kernels off with my electric knife!
When it was all cut, I stirred in some melted butter and a little bit of salt.
Then into Ziplock bags it went!
It took all morning, but I'll be glad to fish these out of the freezer in the middle of winter!
Well, that's awesome! We used to do the freezer corn thing until Scott got tired of it. If Scott's tired of it, it doesn't happen.