
Friday, August 17, 2012

A Wedding Day

We went to a wedding yesterday. My beautiful niece married a really nice guy.
It was a family sort of day.

When you and your new husband are both members of the BYU ballroom dance team, you can pull off impressive moves for the crowd like this:
My kids were there in full force, avoiding my camera or hamming it up, as usual.
But- it's not just my kids who pull that trick.
This nephew gets extra points for a.) cooperating for a picture, and b.) having that amazing hair that helps him look just a bit like Josh Groban!
Bruce was looking pretty sharp:
This is why my sisters and I like to get together:
The bride's little sister is just too cute.
Days like these are always fun- congratulations to my little bro and his family!


  1. I still need to download my got some really good ones!

  2. I agree, great pics! Aaron likes his too :)
